Películas dramáticas de Juan Carlos Cuello

Películas de Juan Carlos Cuello filtradas por género

👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Music
Ricardo, director de una compañía de teatro, quiere montar un espectáculo a partir de la obra de Shakespeare. Para ello decide trasladarse con un grupo de actores a una masía en el campo. En ...
🎭 Music Producer
A very handsome man finds the love of his life, but he suffers an accident and needs to have his face rebuilt by surgery after it is severely disfigured. ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Andrés's wealthy father-in-law runs a textile factory; he retires and brings Andrés to Madrid, with wife and son, to run the company. Andrés works long hours, but his wife is bored, and there ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Valencia, Spain, in the early 1950s. Salvador and María, two unfortunate people, meet by chance when she takes shelter from the rain at the Oriente Cinema, where he works as a manager. ...