Películas dramáticas de José Puyol

Películas de José Puyol filtradas por género

👔 Assistant Director
Don Lope ha acogido a Tristana en su hogar para cumplir una promesa hecha a sus padres. Pero la joven es muy hermosa y se convierte en la obsesión del anciano, que a fuerza de tiempo y de pacien ...
👔 Assistant Director
Don Jaime, un viejo hidalgo español, vive retirado y solitario en su hacienda desde la muerte de su esposa, ocurrida el mismo día de la boda. Un día recibe la visita de su sobrina Viridiana, n ...
🎭 Assistant Director
In a sector of Madrid inhabited by families of a well-off class, a gang of boys and girls has continuous fun, sleep and drink, while their parents ignore practically everything. However, each of ...
👔 Assistant Director
Una boda, pero no hay en ella el natural regocijo corriente en estas ceremonias, muy al contrario. La esposa firma el acta en la sacristía, como si se tratara de una sentencia de muerte... ...
🎭 Assistant Director
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the in ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
At school, Luca is falsely accused of a prank and wishes he had a father who would defend him in front of the headmaster. His father is dead, but he meets a sea captain who is willing to pretend ...
👔 Assistant Director
La Nochevieja de 1899, Soledad, una bella vendedora de violetas, y Fernando, un joven aristócrata, se conocen y se enamoran. Tras la muerte de su hermano, Fernando se ve forzado a hacerse cargo ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters. ...