Películas dramáticas de Jitka Zvirocká

Películas de Jitka Zvirocká filtradas por género

👔 Foley
1940, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Checoslovaquia ha sido ocupada por los alemanes. Eliska, una estudiante de medicina, no puede completar sus estudios porque han cerrado las universidades, y trabaja ...
🎭 Sound Effects Editor
When a childless couple learn that they cannot have children, it causes great distress. To ease his wife's pain, the man finds a piece of root in the backyard and chops it and varnishes it into t ...
🎭 Sound Effects
Six outwardly average individuals have elaborate fetishes they indulge with surreptitious care. A mousy letter carrier makes dough balls she grotesquely ingests before bed. A shop clerk fixates o ...
🎭 Foley
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta is an unmarried man who works at a freight wagon wh ...
🎭 Sound Effects
👔 Sound Effects