Películas dramáticas de Jean-Pierre Hervé

Películas de Jean-Pierre Hervé filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Two mothers each try to come to terms with the pain of losing a child after four young scouts and a young man who tried to save them drown, with the inquiry revealing negligence on the part of th ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Hugo reluctantly follows his parents following their transfer to Mayotte. With slums, heat and being white and rich when the majority is black and poor, he struggles to adapt. But he does, thanks ...
🎭 Director of Photography
In 1938 a young woman French woman, Benedicte Drot, is having a child and is not married. The child is placed in a religious orphanage, and when her family throws her out she's obliged to work as ...
🎭 Le fils cadet Raynal
In this film, Albert is an eccentric inventor of missiles who comes under fire from his investors when his first prototype explodes. Even his sympathetic mistress has her doubts, as Albert lashes ...