Películas dramáticas de Jan Pruszak

Películas de Jan Pruszak filtradas por género

🎭 Conductor
A small group of cosmic explorers, including a woman, leaves Earth to start a new civilization. They do not realize that within themselves they carry the end of their own dream. They die one by o ...
👔 Conductor
En septiembre de 1793, el Comité de Salud Pública, instigado por Robespierre, instaura el "Terror". El hambre reaparece y con ella la revuelta: las cabezas ruedan. Danton regresa a París para ...
🎭 Conductor
Takes place in a prewar Poland. A tubercular young man comes to stay with his brother on a farm. He is in love with life and constantly plays 1930's music on a piano. He gets involved with his br ...