Películas dramáticas de Jacques Loiseleux

Películas de Jacques Loiseleux filtradas por género

👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
A young woman and her son runaway from their hometown to escape civil war. Nothing is left from the world they knew and the only thing they have is each other. ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Philippe is a middle-aged painter, he lives with Annie : they have two kids. Just after they split up, Philippe meets Justine. He starts thinking about love, the relationship between former lover ...
👔 Director of Photography
👔 Director of Photography
👔 Director of Photography
Mayo de 1890. Vicent Van Gogh (Jacques Dutronc) llega a Auvers-sur-Oise y se instala en la modesta pensión Ravoux. Allí se hace amigo del doctor Gachet (Gérard Séty), admirador de su obra, y ...
🎭 Director of Photography
The familiar conflicts of a film director planning to make a movie about his life and the confrontation he has with his wife, an actress who was turned down for such project in which she wanted t ...
🎭 Director of Photography
This fast-paced mystery is in part based on a novel by Yves Ellena and is at least equally based on the 1943 classic Le Corbeau, which in 1951 was produced in English by Otto Preminger as The Thi ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Fifteen-year-old Suzanne seeks refuge from a disintegrating family in a series of impulsive, promiscuous affairs. Her fulsome sexuality further ratchets up the suppressed passions of her narcissi ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Gérald, former champion of motorcycle competitions, after an accident that causes him to lose the use of his right becomes a trainer for young riders. But because he can not make enough money, h ...
👔 Director of Photography
Nelly tiene una aventura con Loulou, un pequeño delincuente cuya vulgaridad y atractivo sexual la seducen. Sin romper con su marido, Nelly planea vivir con Loulou, quien le promete trabajar por ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Jean-Marie Fayard is a young examining magistrate in a large provincial french city. He belongs to that generation of judges who are endeavoring to re-adapt the notion of justice to our changing ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Georges Lajoie is a Parisian café owner. As every summer, Georges, his wife Ginette and grown-up son Léon go on holiday to Loulou's campsite, where they meet up with the Schumacher family (whos ...