Películas románticas de Jacques Descomps

Películas de Jacques Descomps filtradas por género

🎭 Sound Recordist
A talented art student named Angélique is passionately in love with Dr. Loïc Le Garrec, a handsome married man whom she believes will leave his wife. When he eventually decides to stay in his m ...
🎭 Sound Recordist
Although barely 30, Claire believes she is showing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a condition from which her mother has recently died. Her sister, Nathalie, is certain that her memory ...
👔 Sound Assistant
🎭 Sound Recordist
True tale of the tumultuous love affair between two French literary icons of the 19th Century, novelist George Sand and poet Alfred de Musset. But their affair falls apart during an excursion to ...