Películas de terror de Ida Iasha

Películas de Ida Iasha filtradas por género

🎭 Mega N. Widjoko
A group of youngsters is on a mission to Ujung Sedo, to find their missing friends in a haunting jungle. Along the way, they met Samantha who's in a personal mission to the a mystical village. Th ...
🎭 Mega N. Widjoko
Sam, or Samantha, has recently moved out from her old, haunted boarding house, escaping from followers of Mangkoedjiwo Sect who seek revenge over the death of Sri Sukmarahimi Mangkodjiwo. Her tra ...
🎭 Farida
Mak Lampir (Farida Pasha) continues his reign of terror, attempts to resurrect Nyai Kembang (Yurike Prastica) and Adolf Peter (Simon Cader) from the dead and puts the equally evil Mardian under t ...
🎭 Farida
Ki Jabat, the lord of a forbidden jungle, adopts a son he names Sembara. To increase his power, Sembara is told to explore the jungle and is helped / trained by Datuk Panglima Kumbang, a “Tiger ...