Películas dramáticas de Hernán Ruiz Navarrete

Películas de Hernán Ruiz Navarrete filtradas por género

👔 Sound
Manuel vive con su padre Ricardo en el coto de caza de la familia. Manu es un chico especial y tiene una extraña conexión con el monte que lo vuelve el mejor cazador de la zona. Pero ya no quie ...
👔 Sound
Juana es una adolescente que vive con su padre alcohólico en una chacra enclavada en el monte misionero. Juana comienza a sentirse atraída por una zona del monte en la que hay una extraña casa ...
🎭 Sound
Faced with the loss of sponsors on the radio, René and Walter decide to take their program on UFOs to TV. Fate seems to accompany them, and that day one falls in the Esteros del Iberá. A TV pre ...
🎭 Sound
In the missionary jungle, Ismael Guzmán, a seasoned park ranger, patrols the reserve daily in search of poachers. Orlando Venneck is a beloved settler in the area and, like his ancestors, he is ...
🎭 Sound
A farm laborer crosses the mythical nature of the Iberá Wetlands in search of a child he lost in an accident. To find them, he has to embody a hero called "Gauchito Gil", a local Robin Hood, and ...
🎭 Sound
Ela lives in Misiones and is going through sexual awakening. Despite his father's severity, his enthusiasm is reinforced by the appearance of Iván, a young photographer. ...