Películas de terror de Harley Kaplan

Películas de Harley Kaplan filtradas por género

🎭 Casting
Counselors are being killed off at summer camp, and Sam is stuck in the middle of it. Instead of contacting the cops, he calls his friend and slasher-film expert Chuck to discuss his options. ...
🎭 Casting
Seiji Hasumi is a popular English teacher in a private high school. He is also a violent and sociopathic killer, who slowly takes control of the students and faculty through murder and manipulati ...
🎭 Dan
Four horror stories occur in sequence connected by time and space. The first deals with a writer and his wife who move into a large house only to find it is already occupied. The second follows t ...
🎭 Steve
When Dorine Douglas' job as proofreader for Constant Consumer magazine is turned into an at-home position during a downsizing, she doesn't know how to cope. But after accidentally killing one of ...