Películas dramáticas de Gwennaëlle Libert

Películas de Gwennaëlle Libert filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
One night, a woman in danger calls the police. Anna takes the call. A man is arrested. Weeks go by, the courts are looking for evidence, Aly, Anna and Dary have to deal with the echoes of that ni ...
👔 Co-Producer
🎭 Executive Producer
Everyday, three sex workers cross the border from France into Belgium to practice their trade. At the end of one particularly hot summer, all three share a secret that will bind them together for ...
🎭 Producer
Kate and Matt discover that a part of their house can grant wishes. In the wake of two miscarriages, what they want most is a child. ...
👔 Executive Producer
Sybille ha convencido a su hijo adulto, Samuel, a ir con ella en un viaje con la esperanza de redefinir su relación. Pero los retos les esperan, tanto los procedentes de sus personalidades como ...