Comedias de Guy Azzi

Películas de Guy Azzi filtradas por género

👔 Production Director
👔 Administration
Arthur y Anatole son dos rateros de poca monta que planean hacerse con un botín que viaja de París a Bruselas, pero no sospechan que hay otros criminales que han planeado el mismo golpe que ell ...
🎭 Production Accountant
This talkative and unevenly paced feature finds Fou (Jean Lefebvre) the inventor of a gas that makes the users fall in love. He is chased by his boss, the police, and spies, who seek to secure th ...
🎭 Administration
This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that ...
🎭 Administration
Goubi, the simpleton of his village in the French Department Allier, has but one wish: to see Paris. One day, the truckers Grafouillère deposit a drunk Goubi in the biggest market of Paris (the ...
👔 Administration
El duro jefe de una empresa está a punto de retirarse. Siente que ha llegado el momento de pasarle el testigo a otro. Cuando se conoce la noticia, algunos de los empleados comienzan a hacer mér ...