Películas dramáticas de Gunnar Auðunn Jóhannsson

Películas de Gunnar Auðunn Jóhannsson filtradas por género

👔 First Assistant Camera
En el Ártico, la temperatura puede bajar hasta -70° C. En este desierto helado y hostil alejado de todo, un hombre lucha por sobrevivir. A su alrededor, la inmensidad blanca, y los restos de un ...
🎭 Cinematography
Gríma is the newly crowned Miss Iceland with her life seemingly firmly on track. But after a sudden misstep, Gríma is forced to take a hard look at herself and decide what kind of person she re ...
🎭 Director of Photography
A tender tale of four boys rapidly coming to terms with school, bullies, friendship and loyalty. Based on the critically acclaimed Icelandic children’s book by Fridrik Erlingsson. ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Second Assistant Camera
In the mid to late '90s, the Reykjavik crime and drug scene saw a drastic change from a relatively small and innocent world into a much more aggressive and violent one.. The film tells the story ...
👔 Assistant Camera