Películas dramáticas de Gloria Granati

Películas de Gloria Granati filtradas por género

🎭 Makeup Artist
Walter is HIV positive and is leading a promiscuis life in Rome. He does this so that he won’t infect his wife. Walter’s wife is also cheating on him. In a decidedly dull subplot, Walter’ ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
On the way to Rome, a thief captures the Duke of Riviera y Fuentes and decides to take advantage of the opportunity to impersonate him. The thief makes his way to Rome in the duke’s place and s ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp dedicated to the same trades as his nephew. With the arri ...
👔 Makeup Artist