Películas de aventuras de Giovanni Gebbia

Películas de Giovanni Gebbia filtradas por género

🎭 Steadicam Operator
While visiting Universal Studios in Hollywood along with their respective families, two Italian tourists get on a real time machine and got lost in time. Professor Mortimer effort to rescue them ...
🎭 Steadicam Operator
Morgan Adams and her slave, William Shaw, are on a quest to recover the three portions of a treasure map. Unfortunately, the final portion is held by her murderous uncle, Dawg. Her crew is skepti ...
👔 Steadicam Operator
Una oscuridad que todo lo envuelve. De repente, la voz de un niño, asustada, interrogante, atraviesa la oscuridad ... Los primeros rayos de luz parpadeantes comienzan a esculpir formas misterios ...