Musicales de Gil

Películas de Gil filtradas por género

🎭 Songs
A Velha a Fiar illustrates a Brazilian folk song in which a being or entity is always predating another being, but is in its turn predated by some other animal, until the circle closes. It begins ...
The project of urbanization of a shantytown is endangered by lack of money. To get the necessary sum, three friars start to sing in plain clothes, incognito, also recording records and doing show ...
🎭 Trio Irakitan
Somebody is selling songs for two recording companies, simultaneously. The owner of one of them hires a detective to find out the swindler's identity. But the private-eye is clumsy, and messes th ...
🎭 Trio Irakitan
Madame Janete is an aging music hall star who insists on doing roles far beneath her real age, and whose secretary keeps her fans in a payroll. One day she meets young author Paulo and falls for ...