Thrillers, películas de suspense de Geoffrey Frederick

Películas de Geoffrey Frederick filtradas por género

🎭 Cricket Captain
Charthurst Green, Kent, 1966. Pauline Cox accompanies Mike Robins to a village cricket match in which he is playing, but becomes bored and wanders away. She fetches up at the local railway statio ...
🎭 Policeman in Richard's Flat
A man witnesses a murder in a secluded mansion. When he reports it, there's no evidence of the murder, or that anyone was there. Two years later he wakes up in a hospital room after a polo accide ...
🎭 Det. Devery
Set in Manchester, heartland of England's industrial north, Don Starling escapes from jail becoming England's most wanted man. Ruthless villain Starling together with his cronies engineered a rob ...