Películas dramáticas de Gabriel Almaer

Películas de Gabriel Almaer filtradas por género

🎭 Benjamin de la Fère
D'Artagnan, a spirited young Gascon, is left for dead after trying to save a noblewoman from being kidnapped. Once in Paris, he tries by all means to find his attackers, unaware that his quest wi ...
🎭 Erwann
Benjamin and Aude have loved each other for 7 years. They live together on a small island in Brittany. Benjamin dreams of starting a family but the couple learns that Aude is sterile. So Benjamin ...
🎭 Armurier
Enviada a casa tras una traumática misión de combate, una soldado francesa de élite usa sus habilidades letales para dar caza al hombre que agredió a su hermana. ...