Telefilms de Frank Pellegrino

Películas de Frank Pellegrino filtradas por género

🎭 Physical Therapist
Jason Kemp is a quadriplegic who passes the time spying on his neighbors from his window. By chance he catches one of them, Julian Thorpe, beating his wife and reports it to the police. He become ...
🎭 Carmine Russo
John Gotti, jefe de un reducido grupo mafioso neoyorquino, rompe algunas de las viejas reglas familiares, lo que le permite convertirse en el cabeza de la familia Gambino y en el jefe de la Mafia ...
🎭 Anthony Provenzano
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union ...
🎭 Raul
Frank Coleman is a Vietnam veteran dying from cancer brought on by exposure to the defoliant chemical Agent Orange which he turns to Maude DeVictor, a Veterans Administration benefits counselor w ...