Películas sobre crímenes Francesco Fantacci

Películas de Francesco Fantacci filtradas por género

🎭 Production Manager
A young man lies in a hospital suspended between life and death. The police know nothing about him. The patient, in his rare moments of consciousness, only remembers his gang’s involvement in a ...
👔 Production Supervisor
Tras renunciar a su "pecaminoso" pasado, Emanuelle entra en un convento y se dedica a una vida de servicio. Llega al convento Monika, de espíritu libre, y Emanuelle se encarga de mantenerla en l ...
🎭 Unit Manager
A drug deal goes bad and the heroin is stolen. One mob boss doesn't have his drugs and the other doesn't get his money. People are going to die until they discover who double-crossed them. Into t ...
🎭 Unit Manager
The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they ...