Películas dramáticas de Florian Mag

Películas de Florian Mag filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Lea, Steffi, Toni & Maja have vowed to celebrate each others weddings together — 26 years ago, things you do at twelve. Now Maja spontaneously invites the others to Italy. A promise is a promis ...
👔 Additional Camera
Jakob Fabian es un joven escritor enamorado de una aspirante a actriz que, en el turbulento Berlín de 1931, intenta mantener a flote su idealismo mientras el mundo se desmorona a su alrededor. ...
🎭 Director of Photography
While Kurdish gigolo Baran dreams of a future in Europe, German pilot Marion is struggling to come to terms with her cancer diagnosis. When the two meet at the Turkish holiday resort of Marmaris, ...
🎭 Director of Photography
A wild genre mix between a boxer film, urban western, road movie and music video, set at end of the summer holidays in a drab neighborhood in the outskirts of Hamburg suburbia. Young boxing talen ...