Películas dramáticas de Firooz Malekzadeh

Películas de Firooz Malekzadeh filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
The seasons go by her window, she dreams about a boy she knew; his baby brother is now a man. A film about time, depression and a woman's need for a story. ...
🎭 Director of Photography
During the Iran-Iraq War, Bashu, a young boy loses his house and all his family. Scared, he sneaks into a truck that is leaving the area. He gets off the truck in the Northern part of the country ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Abbas is set to be released after 20 years in prison But on the day of his release, Abbas dies.Abbas's wife could not give the news to her blind child. ...
🎭 Director of Photography
A woman orders a suit from a tailor for her young son to wear to her sister's wedding. The tailor's apprentice, together with two other teenage boys who work in the same building, devise a plan t ...
👔 Director of Photography
Pese a estar castigado por sus padres y profesores, Qasem no se porta bien en la escuela. En vez de estudiar, se pasa todo el día jugando al fútbol. Cuando descubre que el equipo nacional jugar ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
The story is about two poor boys’ search for their father through a Journey from downtown to uptown. Two hungry boys are forced to move through the events, people and unrealistic and risky plac ...
👔 Camera Production Assistant