Películas dramáticas de Fausto Cabrera

Películas de Fausto Cabrera filtradas por género

🎭 Hermano Rector
After losing his father, being expelled from school and facing his mother's prohibitions, Luciano, a young student, decides to flee to the sea with his friend Daniel, showing his knowledge of hyp ...
La historia comienza con la muerte¸ de un hombre usurero llamado El turco. No se sabe quién lo mató¸ pero¸ de una y otra manera¸ todos tuvieron algo que ver. Lo entierran en una improvisada ...
🎭 Astor doorman
Maqroll, Ilona, and Abdul all share a common dream: to sail the world in a tramp-steamer. But who could afford such a thing? Over the years they have become separated. Alone in Panama City, sm ...
🎭 Jacinto Ibarburen
A group of tenants living in an old house are confronted with having to move out due to a renovation project the city has undertaken. The tenants decide to unite and come up with a strategy, but ...