Películas dramáticas de Enrique Balader

Películas de Enrique Balader filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Tonet lives an intense love story with Neleta, whom he has known since childhood, but the young man will be forced to leave the Albufera of Valencia and serve in the war in Cuba. During his absen ...
👔 Production Manager
Malvaloca, bailarina y cantante en un café, acude a Las Canteras cuando se entera de que Salvador, un antiguo novio, ha resultado herido al arreglar una campana en la fundición. El socio de Sal ...
🎭 Production Manager
Crown of Castile, 1520. The Comuneros rise up against Charles I, king of Castile and Aragon and emperor of the Hispanic Monarchy. While Juan de Padilla, leader of the uprising, and his captains, ...
🎭 Production Director
The passion that Joan of Castile, daughter of the Catholic Kings and heir to the throne, feels for her husband, Philip the Handsome, sovereign of the Netherlands and son of Maximilian of Austria ...