Películas románticas de Emmanuel Kadosh

Películas de Emmanuel Kadosh filtradas por género

👔 Director of Photography
La pelicula nos cuenta una historia de amor y nos hace ver que nunca somos lo bastante mayores para encontrar a alguien para compartir nuestra vida y enamorarnos. Esto es lo que ocurre en la pel ...
🎭 Cinematography
The sweetest girl, Dana (Diana Dumitrescu) has to go out on a date with a broker, Dani (Andi Vasluianu) because her chubby friend, Oana (Antoaneta Zaharia), doesn't have the courage to meet her F ...
🎭 Director of Photography
In Havana, Cuba in the late 1950's, a wealthy family, one of whose sons is a prominent nightclub owner, is caught in the violent transition from the oppressive regime of Batista to the Marxist go ...