Películas dramáticas de Emma Bell Clifton

Películas de Emma Bell Clifton filtradas por género

🎭 Writer
Nora, a girl of the lower East Side of New York City, marries a rising ward politician. A child is born. They are happy, but the young politician is running for office against the old ward boss a ...
🎭 Story
Joe Grant is the renegade husband of Lengua, a beautiful South African native girl. John Lewis is a South American trader, living with his daughter Grace. Ned Singleton helps Lewis in his work. G ...
🎭 Story
Hamad, an Arab half-breed, is in command of the ivory traders. Allan Deane is sent to take charge of the ivory traders' camp, and Hamad is told that he can serve as assistant hereafter. Allan Dea ...
🎭 Story
Robert Barker, the newly arrived missionary, bears gifts to King Lomba of the Bartosi tribe. The king accepts the gifts, but tells Barker, "The bones of our ancestors have told us that white men ...
Brian Godfrey and Arnold Lambert are clerks in the diamond broker's office, both interested in Mildred St. Pierre, the daughter of an old employee. For a while she is impartial but Arnold is too ...
Mrs. Force, a social parasite, with a beautiful daughter, is so closely pressed by her creditors, that she uses her beautiful child as an asset, urging her to accept the offer of the hand of an a ...