Thrillers, películas de suspense de Edith Carlmar

Películas de Edith Carlmar filtradas por género

🎭 Fru Gulliksen
Gunder Jomann lives in the small place of Elvestad. He prepares to receive his wife, Poona Bai, who he met and married in India. Gunder gets delayed when his sister is injured in a car accident a ...
🎭 En kunde på apoteket
The young wife of an upper-class academic disappears while her husband is on holiday. In his search for her, the husband learns that there was much he did not know both about her past and about t ...
🎭 Director
The young wife of an upper-class academic disappears while her husband is on holiday. In his search for her, the husband learns that there was much he did not know both about her past and about t ...