Películas dramáticas de David Torn

Películas de David Torn filtradas por género

🎭 Original Music Composer
After a New York City woman is sexually assaulted while walking home one evening, she struggles to accept the truth and rediscover the intimacy within her relationship. ...
👔 Original Music Composer
🎭 Original Music Composer
At the age of ten, Henry James Hermin, a boy who was conceived in a petri-dish and raised by his feminist mother, follows a string of Post-It notes in hopes of finding his biological father. ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
When an alcoholic relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form. ...
👔 Original Music Composer
Un veterano asesino a sueldo está en México para acabar con el líder de un cártel de la droga. Este narcotraficante también es objetivo por parte del gobierno de EE.UU. y evitar que se alíe ...
👔 Original Music Composer
Relata la historia de un joven traficante de droga y un psiquiatra adicto; el adolescente canjea marihuana por sesiones de terapia con el Doctor para luego enamorase de su hija. ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Extremely shy Lars finds it impossible to make friends or socialize. His brother and sister-in-law worry about him, so when he announces that he has a girlfriend he met on the Internet, they are ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
For centuries, a secret Order of priests has existed within the Church. A renegade priest, Father Alex Bernier, is sent to Rome to investigate the mysterious death of one of the Order's most reve ...