Películas dramáticas de David Chambille

Películas de David Chambille filtradas por género

👔 Director of Photography
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Director of Photography
Cathy is a sous-chef wanting to open a restaurant. With financial difficulties, Cathy accepts a job at a shelter for young migrants. At first she hates the job then her passion for cuisine starts ...
👔 Director of Photography
París, hoy. France de Meurs es una periodista estrella que corre entre un televisor, una guerra lejana y el ajetreo y el bullicio de su ajetreada vida familiar. Su mundo frenético de alto perfi ...
👔 Director of Photography
Uno de los centros sociales más populares de Francia está a punto de cerrar, debido a recortes presupuestarios llevados a cabo por el ayuntamiento. Las responsables del mismo, que han cogido af ...
👔 Cinematography
🎭 Director of Photography
Sira, a former refugee, works as a translator for OFPRA (the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Persons and Migrants). She unscrupulously fleeces her clients, selling them fictions she ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Algeria today. Past and present collide in the lives of a newly wealthy property developer, a young woman torn between the path of reason and sentiment and an ambitious neurologist impeded by war ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Ondine and Paul have loved each other. When she leaves him, he swears not to love again. To prove this to himself, he pursues the beautiful Camille, whom he intends to seduce and abandon.
But Ca ...
🎭 Director of Photography
In Paris, 25-year-old Damien has sex with men who pay him. He also has a life in his housing estate, and tries to keep these two lives as separate as possible. But problems start to arise and Dam ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Victoria, a little black girl aged 8 from a humble background, happens to spend the night with the bourgeois family of Thomas, one of her classmates. Years later, they see each other again and Ma ...
👔 Director of Photography
🎭 Cinematography
In an estate in the South of Algiers, in the middle of the nineties. Djaber and Yamina are neighbours, but do not know each other. For one as for the other, it is so difficult to meet between gir ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Michel, a retired math teacher, has lived alone since his wife’s death and occupies his time writing an essay about the beliefs that shape daily life. One day he comes across Dora, a young home ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Alex and Cerise love each other with a happy love. One afternoon, Alex is attacked in front of Cerise and fear prevents him from reacting. While Cerise makes this story a simple anecdote, Alex sa ...
🎭 Cinematography
In 1895, young journalist Albertine Auclair arrives in the Kabylie during a family visit. The beauty of the region seduces her but she soon learns of the struggles of the native Algerians. She he ...
🎭 Director of Photography