Películas dramáticas de Cristina Peña y Lillo

Películas de Cristina Peña y Lillo filtradas por género

🎭 Soap Opera TV Actress
Three teenage girls from a Santiago shanty town set in motion a plan to climb buildings and break into the apartments of the wealthy side of the town. ...
🎭 Sandra
Present day. Chile. Legendary bank robber Vergara Grey is getting out of prison after 5 long years and is looking forward to a quiet, uneventful life together with his wife and son whom oddly he ...
🎭 Vania
Hace 15 años, el músico Gastón Fernández (Luciano Cruz Coke) se plantaba frente a un futuro brillante junto a su grupo de amigos, entre ellos su socio Julián Balbo (Felipe Braun), y su novia ...