Comedias de Claude Veillet

Películas de Claude Veillet filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Aurélie Laflamme is in fifth grade and is preparing for her prom, which she imagines will be wonderful. Surrounded by her best friend Kat, her lover Nicolas Dubuc and her best friend Tommy Duroc ...
🎭 Producer
Aurelie Laflamme feels alone in the world, especially since her father's death five years ago. What if her father had been an alien who left Earth to return to his own planet? In that case, Aurel ...
👔 Executive Producer
🎭 Co-Producer
A young woman tries to ease herself out of the closet without terrifying her parents in the process in this comedy-drama. The year is 1969, and Sacha (Marie Bunel) is a young Belgian woman living ...