Películas de terror de Chloee O'Hayon-Crosby

Películas de Chloee O'Hayon-Crosby filtradas por género

🎭 Costume Design
A cautionary tale of madness told through the lens of an unseen Editor, who has constructed this film that unveils the events surrounding the disappearance of a post-production crew and the growi ...
🎭 Costume Design
A young mother who's crushed by guilt and shame after the disappearance of her young son five years previously, is offered a bizarre opportunity to learn the truth and set things right. Is she wi ...
👔 Costume Design
Situada en el otoño de 1987. Tras la inesperada muerte de una anciana sospechosa de ser bruja, un grupo de amigos que la atormentaba se ven obligados a llamar a un teléfono instalado en el inte ...