Películas dramáticas de Chih Yao-Chang

Películas de Chih Yao-Chang filtradas por género

🎭 Director
Drinking and daydreaming are the pastime of Fong Tak Yuan, because he has no interest in the family farm. The local gang of hoodlums persuades Fong to rob the land of peasant farmers in order to ...
🎭 Assistant Director
Chen Chen returns to his former school in Shanghai when he learns that his beloved instructor has been murdered. While investigating the man's death, Chen discovers that a rival Japanese school i ...
👔 Assistant Director
Ho Li-Chun, una espadachina bonita pero despiadada, y tres rivales participan en un torneo abierto en el Palacio del Príncipe Kuei. Un caballero, Chen Jo-Yu, es derrotado en el torneo. Él huye ...
👔 Assistant Director
👔 Assistant Director