Thrillers, películas de suspense de Brian Gunter

Películas de Brian Gunter filtradas por género

👔 Gaffer
Kristen McKay y James Hoyt habían decidido pasar una noche especial en la aislada segunda residencia de la familia Hoyt. Al regresar a casa después de asistir a la boda de una amiga, el mundo d ...
🎭 Gaffer
A store clerk and an ice cream truck driver are thrown together when a dying scientist entrusts them with a deadly chemical kept in ice. This chemical will kill every living thing once it melts. ...
🎭 Gaffer
A top surgeon is besotted with a beautiful woman who once rebuffed him. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but ...
🎭 Gaffer
Authentic drama of United Airlines flight 232 from Denver to Chicago. The DC-10 crashed during an emergency landing at Sioux City Gateway Airport on July 19, 1989. 184 people survived, partly tha ...