Películas dramáticas de Bettina Mazakarini

Películas de Bettina Mazakarini filtradas por género

🎭 Editor
Vienna, 1937, on the eve of the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany. The young and inexperienced Franz Huchel begins to learn about both the joys and hardships of life by working as an appren ...
🎭 Editor
KILLING STELLA is an ice-cold examination of a failed marriage and the self-reproach of a wife and mother. It is a prequel to THE WALL in both literary and cinematic terms. ...
👔 Sound Designer
Cuando la bella, eficiente y exitosa Christine, de 42 años, llega a su casa de playa de verano con su marido y su hija adolescente, conoce y queda impresionada por un joven autoestopista. Lo que ...