Películas de animación de Bernard Garbutt

Películas de Bernard Garbutt filtradas por género

🎭 Animation
Woody and Wally share an apartment building. Woody's favorite pastime is playing golf... it's just a shame he plays inside the house instead of outside. Finally, Wally breaks his club and tells h ...
👔 Animation
Con los primeros rayos del sol iluminando la pradera, un nuevo príncipe ha nacido en el bosque. Tan pronto como Bambi aprende a dar sus primeros pasos, comienza a jugar con sus nuevos amigos, Ta ...
🎭 Animation
This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellow animals. As luck would have it, an untimely bee reveals Ferdinand's f ...
🎭 Animation
The farm comes to life, to various classical tunes. The high point is a rooster serenading a chicken, with all the animals joining in. But then comes the sound that's even more welcome to the ani ...
🎭 Animation
A beautiful girl, Snow White, takes refuge in the forest in the house of seven dwarfs to hide from her stepmother, the wicked Queen. The Queen is jealous because she wants to be known as "the fai ...