Películas dramáticas de Ayesha Sheikh

Películas de Ayesha Sheikh filtradas por género

🎭 Second Assistant Director
A Middle-Eastern medical school student, new to Montreal, puts his relationship with his father at risk when he forfeits his education after being forever changed by two young women who help him ...
👔 Second Assistant Director
Beans, de doce años, está al límite: dividido entre la niñez inocente y la adolescencia temeraria; forzada a crecer rápido y convertirse en la dura guerrera Mohawk que necesita ser durante l ...
🎭 Third Assistant Director
Dave is young and rebellious. A self-proclaimed King, influenced but not unconscious. As he sets out to find the stranger who danced with his girlfriend grabbing her ass, as if nothing had happen ...
🎭 Third Assistant Director
After a bank job goes badly wrong, three desperate criminals take a young woman and a father and child hostage - it's the beginning of a frantic and violent road trip that not all of them will su ...