Películas dramáticas de Ashok Koralath

Películas de Ashok Koralath filtradas por género

🎭 Director
Varun is an ad filmmaker, son of alcoholic father, who lost his mother in an accident, growing up in a grandfather's upbringing. He falls for Maya, an IT employee, with a sense of helping nature ...
🎭 Screenplay
Varun is an ad filmmaker, son of alcoholic father, who lost his mother in an accident, growing up in a grandfather's upbringing. He falls for Maya, an IT employee, with a sense of helping nature ...
🎭 Art Direction
A goon falls for a girl who manages an old-age home, and she mistakes the goon for a professor. She seeks his help not knowing that the man who wants the old-age home demolished is his boss. ...
👔 Art Direction