Películas románticas de Arjun Janya

Películas de Arjun Janya filtradas por género

👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Original Music Composer
🎭 Original Music Composer
Amar, a bright young boy, falls in love with Anitha, but when she rejects his advances, Amar turns into a different person with dim prospects. Produced by Rakshitha Prem, it is touted to be a mus ...
👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Original Music Composer
🎭 Original Music Composer
Shivakumar works as a peon in an office and strives to ensure that his son Kumar fulfils his dreams. When the pressure gets to Kumar, he starts to rebel against his father. ...
👔 Original Music Composer
🎭 Music
Preetham is a confused youngster, whose is born to a wealthy family and lives the hipster life. He seeks constant change and adventure, even in his love life. When he finally meets a match in Nan ...
👔 Original Music Composer
🎭 Original Music Composer
Preetham, a chef and a compulsive liar goes on a secretive, fun trip to Goa after getting engaged to his rich employer's only daughter. ...
👔 Music Director
🎭 Music Director
Raja, an auto-driver, is in awe of the successful actor Shankar Nag. His life changes when he meets Rani, a village girl, who comes to the city to become an actress ...
👔 Original Music Composer
👔 Original Music Composer