Comedias de Antti Satama

Películas de Antti Satama filtradas por género

🎭 Info
Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning begins with Captain James B. Pirk of the starship Kickstart shipwrecked on the 21st century Earth with his crew. Originally from the distant future, Pirk and his cre ...
🎭 Info (voice)
See how Pirk got stranded in the past! Star Wreck V: Lost Contact was the first film to use live actors instead of cartoons. Real sets would have cost too much, so we decided to try bluescreen, j ...
🎭 Commander Info
In Star Wreck IV: The Kilpailu ("kilpailu" is Finnish for "competition"), several new characters were introduced, now drawn by Rudi Airisto. He would like to take this opportunity to apologise fo ...