Películas históricas de Anatoliy Ivanov

Películas de Anatoliy Ivanov filtradas por género

🎭 Camera Operator
France, XV century. The young Scot, striving to make his worthy efforts, is kindly treated by the king and admitted to the guard. Soon the king entrusts him with a difficult mission - however, th ...
🎭 A. I. Osterman-Tolstoy (uncredited)
A seven-hour epic adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The love story of young Countess Natasha Rostova and Count Pierre Bezukhov is interwoven with the Great Patriotic War of 1812 against Na ...
🎭 A. I. Osterman-Tolstoy (uncredited)
As Moscow is set ablaze by the retreating Russians, the Rostovs flee their estate, taking wounded soldiers with them, and unbeknownst to them, also Andrei. Pierre, dressed as a peasant, tries to ...
🎭 Tsar Alexander I