Thrillers, películas de suspense de 中井和哉

Películas de 中井和哉 filtradas por género

🎭 Borma (voice)
Freed of her responsibilities with the 501 Organization, Motoko Kusanagi must now learn how to take orders from Aramaki. Someone hacks the Logicomas, and Batou enlists the help of former army int ...
🎭 Shell Septinos
Rune Ballot is a down-and-out teen prostitute in Mardock City. One day, she's picked up by an ambitious casino manager named Shell who gives her everything she could want. Renewed by a false inno ...
🎭 Kanzo Mogi (voice)
After the events of the first movie, Yagami Light faces two new adversaries as he is trying to create a perfect world without crime or criminals. This movie continues the first TV special and is ...
🎭 Kanzo Mogi (voice)
Yagami Light is an ace student with great prospects, who's bored out of his mind. One day he finds the "Death Note": a notebook from the realm of the Death Gods, with the power to kill people in ...