Películas de misterio de 허준호

Películas de 허준호 filtradas por género

🎭 Bum-cheon
For generations, the eldest son of the village has been the protector, but the current heir, Dr. Cheon, is a fake exorcist who doesn't believe in ghosts. Using his penetrating insight into people ...
🎭 Kim Sung-han
Jae-ho, who aims to become the number one in a crime organization, gets to build up trust with Hyun-su, an ambitious newbie in the prison. While they try to take over the organization after the p ...
🎭 Ryoo Mok-hyeong
Ryu Hae Guk entra en un pueblo rural solitario para asistir al funeral de su padre. Durante su estancia, investiga la muerte de su padre y descubre lo que parece ser una conspiración. ¿Por qué ...