Películas de aventuras de Виталий Кищенко

Películas de Виталий Кищенко filtradas por género

🎭 Fyodor the Pied
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls ...
Gleb is a golden youth boy, an idler living a lavish life. He believes he’s not obliged to comply with any rules. But one night during a street race he knocks down a man, and is about to go to ...
🎭 Emperor Alexander I
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and n ...
🎭 Fedotov
In a Crimean filtration camp, after the evacuation of the White Army, an unnamed captain is haunted by memories of a brief romance as he tries to understand how the Russian Empire fell apart and ...