Películas históricas de 大塚明夫

Películas de 大塚明夫 filtradas por género

🎭 Tadakatsu Honda (voice)
The story of the special revolves around the Sanada brothers in their youth. Nobuyuki and Yukimura swear to each other to protect the influential Sanada clan. However, thinking of how to best con ...
🎭 Shogen Itadori (voice)
Pursued by formidable Chinese assassins, young Kotaro and his dog run into No Name, a mysterious stranger who gets pulled into the chase. The unlikely companions form a bond over saving the dog f ...
🎭 Santaro
At a young age, Nitaroh is stricken with an illness that leaves him blind. He inherits the shamisen guitar once used by his mother and is taught its basics by a blind travelling shamisen player. ...
🎭 Zilu (voice)
Born in the Chinese state of Lu in 551 B.C., Confucius is raised by his mother after his father dies when he is only three. He marries at 19 and enters the service of the local nobility. At 32, h ...