Películas de guerra de Алексей Жарков

Películas de Алексей Жарков filtradas por género

🎭 Maslov, the Russian Commander
Two Russian soldiers, one battle-seasoned and the other barely into his boots and uniform, are taken prisoner by an anxious Islamic father from a remote village hoping to trade them for his captu ...
🎭 Gladišev
Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authoritie ...
🎭 Sgt. Fyodor Cherepets
In 1944 a Soviet marine air force unit stationed near Murmansk is fighting off the German bombers attacking the British navy convoys supplying the Soviet Union with war materials under the lend-l ...
🎭 Kolya
In the first days of the Second World War, a young woman with three children is evacuated from the front-line zone to the Urals. After some time, she receives a funeral for her husband. But she h ...