Thrillers, películas de suspense de 염정아

Películas de 염정아 filtradas por género

🎭 First lady
A futuristic film about a crisis near the brink of war after three leaders are kidnapped by a North Korean nuclear submarine in a coup d’état during a summit between the two Koreas and the Uni ...
🎭 Hee-yeon
Esta pelicula nos cuenta la historia de una misteriosa criatura que vive en las montañas y que puede imitar los sonidos humanos. Mimic: No sigas las voces, porque las consecuencias serán terri ...
🎭 Wife
There is a married couple that has long been silent to each other. One evening, wife prepares a fatal supper and invites husband over to table. Wife brings up ‘the bitch’ on the table and hus ...
🎭 Detective Kim Mi-yun
Los agentes de policia Kang y Kim se ven envueltos en un extraño caso cuando comienzan a ocurrir enfermizos asesinatos del mismo modus operand de un asesino en prision hace que ya estaba ahí de ...
🎭 Oh Seung-min
Detective Cho, a cop on the edge, is mourning his mother's recent death while under investigation for graft; on top of that he is suddenly put in charge of a seemingly-impenetrable mystery. ...