Películas históricas de Артур Ваха

Películas de Артур Ваха filtradas por género

October 1941. Thousands of fascists troops are advancing on Kalinin to capture the city and therefore open a direct route to Moscow. There are two thousand people able to defend the city and they ...
🎭 Soldat-bolshevik
Rusia, 1917, la Primera Guerra Mundial. Esta es la historia de la primera rusa Batallón de Mujeres de la Muerte, formada como parte de una estratagema de propaganda mal concebida por el Gobierno ...
Young prince Aleksandr has to hold out against two enemies - the Horde in the east and the Teutonic order and Sweden in the west. He discovers that some boyars are plotting against him and are re ...
🎭 Leonid Brezhnev (young)