Películas sobre crímenes 나광훈

Películas de 나광훈 filtradas por género

🎭 Seo Soo-gon
Busan, South Korea, 1970s. Lee Doo-sam is a small-time smuggler. After helping a drug gang to smuggle meth, he falls into the dark crime world. Quick-witted and full of ambition, he eventually ta ...
🎭 Jang Min-gi
Un expolicía es encarcelado por un accidente. En la cárcel, descubrirá que hay un preso, que lleva un sindicato del crimen, que lo controla todo con la ayuda de los guardas que le proporcionan ...
🎭 Yang Moon-seok
En New World, Lee interpreta a un detective infiltrado en la mayor banda criminal del país, Choi Min-sik es su mentor, el detective Kang, y Hwang es el segundo al mando de la banda criminal. Cua ...
🎭 Police
A gang of South Korean thieves team up with a Hong Kong crew to steal a diamond necklace from a heavily-guarded casino safe in Macau. As the cops close in, old betrayals — and misunderstandings ...
🎭 Fighter
A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangste ...