Películas sobre crímenes 박경혜

Películas de 박경혜 filtradas por género

🎭 Sa-wol
For generations, the eldest son of the village has been the protector, but the current heir, Dr. Cheon, is a fake exorcist who doesn't believe in ghosts. Using his penetrating insight into people ...
🎭 Lee Kyeong-ja
Busan, South Korea, 1970s. Lee Doo-sam is a small-time smuggler. After helping a drug gang to smuggle meth, he falls into the dark crime world. Quick-witted and full of ambition, he eventually ta ...
🎭 Worker at the Call Center
In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of hacker Yeo-Wool, he tries to uncover the truth be ...
🎭 Union Staff
After being kidnapped as a small child and raised by the five men who abducted him, a teenage boy is now forced to join their life in crime. ...